Commercial EV Charger Installation

So one of your employees just bought an electric vehicle – or you are forward thinking and want to install an EV charger in your parking lot to accommodate your customers. The TAV Group has licensed electricians on staff with experience in installing commercial EV charging stations.

Cost of Commercial EV charging station installation

The cost varies from site to site, but typically if all of the electrical and internet infrastructure is in place, it takes about two hours of labour per station. The cost of each station is fixed. If the electrical and internet infrastructure is not in place, the cost will vary according to needs. Your estimate will be an accurate reflection of time and materials.

We will advise you of any prep work you can do in advance to save on labour costs. These items may include:

Please also make sure that your IT staff or managed IT services add the charging station(s) to their list of equipment that needs to be updated when the wifi password is changed to avoid issues in the future.

If you’re looking for a reliable, experienced company with licensed electricians on staff to install EV charging stations at your business, commercial property, or any similar application, you’ve come to the right place. Contact us today for a job estimate.

If you’re a homeowner looking for an EV charging station, visit us here.

LET'S CHAT ABOUT Commercial EV Charging Stations :

After 30+ years in the business, we know that every project is different, and we want to hear about yours. Simply fill out the form below to let us know your needs and our team will be in touch with a prompt response. We’re ready to get started, are you?